@article{oai:asahikawa-med.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001874, author = {西平, 守正 and 林, 弘樹 and 畠山, 修東 and 三田村, 好矩 and 下野, 哲雄 and 吉田, 晃敏 and 廣川, 博之 and 秋葉, 純 and 門, 正則 and 小笠原, 博宣 and 引地, 泰一 and 入江, 宏之 and 羽山, 繁}, journal = {電気学会 医用・生体工学研究会講演論文集}, month = {Jun}, note = {In this study、the characteristics of the ophthalmological as a still picture were investigated for developing a stereoscopic motion pictures transmission system of telemedicine. The statistical properties and the spatial frequency characteristics of the images were analyzed. The images were coded at a compression rate of 1/100 based on the spatial frequency characteristics of the ophthalmological images、and the coded images had practical picture quality., 出版社版, text, application/pdf}, pages = {43--48}, title = {遠隔医療画像高能率伝送のための眼科画像の特徴解析}, year = {1999}, yomi = {ニシヒラ, モリマサ and ハヤシ, ヒロキ and ハタケヤマ, ノブハル and ミタムラ, ヨシノリ and シモノ, テツオ and ヨシダ, アキトシ and ヒロカワ, ヒロユキ and アキバ, ジュン and カド, マサノリ and オガサワラ, ヒロノブ and ヒキチ, タイイチ and イリエ, ヒロユキ and ハヤマ, シゲル} }